Rothesay Yacht Club 506-847-7245

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  • Multiple Sessions: $50.00 off orders totaling $1,000.00 or more
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Recommended Ages 7-8

Prerequisites: None

The Wet Feet program is a wonderful program to expose young sailors to sailing. The fun-filled session allows young sailors to feel comfortable on the water, while learning sailing basics. Sailors will sail Optimists (Opti’s) and Club 420’s. Like CanSail, the Wetfeet program is outcome based. Once the required skills for Wetfeet are met, sailors will advance to CanSail 1.

Maximum participants per session is 35. Registrations in each CANSail level is dependant on the number of people registered and is subject to change.

plus Administrative Fee
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CANsail 1&2

Recommended ages 8+

Prerequisites: None

This is an introductory program to the sport of sailing with a focus on fun, safety and fundamental skills. Sailors will learn about water safety, basic boat handling and sail trim, knots, rigging and de-rigging, basic weather patterns, sailing terminology and skills, and self-rescue techniques. Sailors will learn in Opti's and 420’S.

Maximum participants per session is 35. Registration in each CANSail level is dependant on the number of people registered and is subject to change.

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CANsail 3&4

Recommended Age: 10+

Prerequisites: Completion of CANSail 1 & 2

CANSail 3 & 4 further advances sailors skills on sail trim and boat tuning, in addition to sail theory. Students are introduced to spinnaker and trapeze use, together with advanced boat handling skills. Students are also introduced to racing in a fun environment. Sailors will sail in Opti's, 420’s and Laser Radial and/or Standard rigging.

Maximum participants per session is 35. Registration in each CANSail level is dependant on the number of people registered and is subject to change.

plus Administrative Fee
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CANsail 5&6

Recommended Age: 14+

Prerequisites: Completion of CANSail 1-4 & the expressed permission from Sail NB and RYC

Sailors are registered for 6 weeks of instruction throughout the duration of the summer program.

Availability for Levels 5 & 6: Dependent on availability of instructors through Sail NB & space in the RYC Learn to Sail program, participants may be asked to volunteer for the duration of the season providing sailors extra training time to improve skills and increase chances of achieving CANSail 5 or 6 levels.

Levels 5 & 6 allow our sailors to experience the level of training required to be part of a race team, while continuing to develop their sailing skills learned in previous levels. Sailors are welcome to bring their own boat. Please note: Participation at regattas within the province is an integral part of the program and requires a commitment from both the parents and the sailors. Regattas require travel, and parents may be needed for some travel planning and assistance at regattas. This program is offered in 2 week sessions, however up to 6 to 8 weeks are recommended for this level of sailor.

Maximum participants per session is 35. Supply in each CANSail level is dependant on the number of people registered and is subject to change.

plus Administrative Fee
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Adult Sailing

Are you looking for an adventure?

Our Adult Sailing program offers a hands-on sailing experience to anyone who is looking for an adventure on our beautiful Kennebecasis River. Join us on Tuesday evenings aboard a comfortable keelboat under the guidance of experienced sailors while we unfurl the sails and head down river. Your level of involvement is up to you!

We will provide learning materials and a fun sailing experience. The 2024 course will be 9 weeks in duration.

Our program is designed to introduce you to the world of sailboats, wind and water. We will focus on the principles of boat handling, safety, rigging, reading the wind, navigational rules, knot tying, docking and overboard recovery. The 2024 program offers instruction on a keelboat on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00 pm and opportunity to join a crew for keelboat racing on Thursday evenings for the duration of the season.

plus HST and Administrative Fee
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